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Brunton Canine Training Services​

Positive Training With Positive Results!

Contact Us at: 613.302.5536 ask for Dennis ( text & message )​ 


Let Us Design A Program for you and your Dog

We would like to introduce you to the Companion Concept Program for training dogs. It is an assessment based program that takes into account your dog's unique level of drives, breed instincts and temperament. Then, we take a look at the goals you have set for the dog. From there we will put a training plan together. We can arrange sessions at a time that is convenient for you.


Puppy Training Classes

Learn More If you are about to receive your new puppy, or you already have him or her home, you can take advantage of our 

'Start Smart Puppy Training Program'.

This is a common sense approach to educating you on preparing your new pet to be comfortable and ready to learn what you want to teach them.

It covers all of the topics that new owners will have to deal with on a daily basis and includes assessment and recommendations.

Adult Dog Training Classes

Learn More Each dog is unique and no matter what you read or are told about 'this type' of dog, you are seeking answers to questions and would like to get the right guidance for this dog. Each dog has its own drives, instincts and sense of adventure. These make up its personality or temperament. Together we can get you on track and you can have behaviour that is acceptable with a reliable amount of communication between you and your dog.


The bond you have with your pet is a powerful training tool. There are many ways to open the doors of communication. The secrets of great training can be fun and exciting to learn.

Dog Training in Ottawa

Dog Training in Orleans

A few references:

Tenth Line Animal Hospital

Blackburn Animal Hospital

Eastway Pet resort

Trim's Pet Store

Distance Learning Courses

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