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About Us

Positive Training With Positive Results!

Call Dennis at 613.302.5536 ( text & message ) 

Dennis Brunton

Owner | Certified dog trainer

Dennis has been a canine professional since 1977. He was registered with the British Columbia Government as the Chief Training Instructor for Northwest Dog Training Academy in North Vancouver, B.C. He has been in the Greater Ottawa area since 2002. He developed the Companion Concept Program for training dogs which is an assessment based program that takes many factors into consideration when training a dog. He is recommended as a canine professional by Tenth Line Animal Hospital in Orleans, Eastway Kennels in Navan and Trim's Pet Store in Orleans.


Trainer, Instructor and Speaker

He is available to work one on one with you and your family. Because of his vast experience he can give you a number of ideas to help you get where you need to go with your canine.

If you are an organization or company that would like to have him as a speaker or consultant in regards to a particular topic or a special field of canine endeavour, you can contact him through this site.


Big or Small we Love them All

Dog Training in Ottawa

Dog Training in Orleans

A few references:

Tenth Line Animal Hospital

Blackburn Animal Hospital

Eastway Pet resort

Trim's Pet Store

Distance Learning Courses

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